The negative impact of the pandemic has been felt by everyone. Retail and service industry jobs were lost, and schools and day care centers closed making childcare problematic.
As restrictions imposed during the pandemic have lifted, there is an abundance of job postings. However, for individuals already struggling with re-entry or homelessness, technology becomes one more barrier to overcome. Even if you want to apply for a job at McDonald’s, you must have some sort of internet savvy. You must have an email address. You must know how to apply from a computer. And if McDonald’s is doing it, any job paying higher wages is also going to require it. Consider the wealth of information and services offered at no cost through the DOL website. The basic digital skills some take for granted are barriers that keep many people from either finding work or moving into better paying employment.
A core service offered by TBICO to almost every client is working with them to develop a resume they can use for a job search. If needed, we help them to create a professional email address to use on the resume and on an application. We also teach them how to use a computer to find job openings. We help them create a profile on job boards and show them how to upload their resume. In almost every case, clients referred by housing programs are doing job searchs on their smartphone. When appropriate, we assist the client to download job search apps and demonstrate how to navigate them. Because applying for a job using a smartphone is difficult, clients are encouraged to continue working with TBICO or to use a computer at a local library.